Smiling Gecko, https://www.smilinggecko.ch/was-wir-tun/, is a human aid organization with the intent to build a smart village in Cambodia that is self sufficient to provide homes for children from slums in Phnom Penh. The main focus is on:
1. Fighting hunger and poverty
2. School education and vocational training for young Cambodians
3. Community development
4. Economic development
5. Protection of the environment
Smiling Gecko has different Clusters:
1. Education
2. Agriculture
3. Crafts/Production
4. Tourism
Smiling Gecko give the families in the region work in these different clusters. At the moment, more than 8'000 people are directly or indirectly benefiting from Smiling Gecko. The children are provided with professional education to become valuable members of the society. The existing school enables 300 children with education for required professions like farming, woodworking and fishing to grow a self sufficient local economy.
The Global Grant is used for a Scholarship for students to go to vocational training during the duration of three years and for the financing of teachers / coaches for the education and vocational training for the same period. This new projects gives students the possibility to learn a profession and be independent thereafter (and earn a decent income to support their families).
The goal is to build up this vocational training, in order that other kids, when finishing primary and secondary school, can later also go into this vocational training and learn a profession. In the future, even more students can benefit from this program, and hence learn a professional (indirectly also their families and kids will benefit). It is a successful and sustainable way of development aid.
DDF-Beiträge: 5,000.00 USD
Barbeiträge: 60,840.00 USD (RCLW: 60340 USD / Phnom Penh Metro: 500 USD)
Finanzierungssumme (bezuschusste Beiträge und World Fund): 101,165.00 USD
Luzern Wasserturm